Revisa la agenda del encuentro de la sociedad civil previo a Net mundial

El 22 de abril, un día antes de Net mundial, las más de 90 organizaciones de la sociedad civil que participarán del encuentro multilateral se reunirán en un evento previo -coorganizado por ONG Derechos Digitales – para establecer puntos de consenso, discutir su estrategia de acción y generar los mensajes clave para alcanzar las metas comunes.

La agenda de este encuentro previo ya está disponible y busca asegurar la defensa de los derechos humanos, que la arquitectura de la web sea abierta, descentralizada e interoperable, y la promoción de un modelo de Gobernanza de Internet  abierto, inclusivo y democrático.

El encuentro de la sociedad civil se realizará en Espaço Missões, Centro Cultural Sao Paulo, (Rua Vergueiro 1000, Sao Paulo)

Revisa la agenda a continuación:

9:30am – 10:00 – Introductions: NETmundial 2014 introduction and Goal of our meeting and rules of engagement

Welcome and goal of the meeting: Joana Varon (Brazil), Jeremy Malcolm (BestBits), Valeria Betancourt (APC), Veridiana Alimonti  (IDEC, Brazil) and Laura Tresca (Article 19, Brazil)  (3-5min)

  • Briefing by EMC CS reps: Marilia Maciel, Adam Peake [TBC], Carlos Afonso [TBC]

10:00-11:15am Principles: Guaranteeing protection of Human Rights and Ensuring the Open and Interoperable Architecture of the Web

Facilitator: Anriette Esterhuysen (APC, South Africa) [TBC]

  • Goals: clarify and set the common ground regarding core principles for IG that this group of CS will defend at NetMundial and in talks among other stakeholder groups
  • Resource persons** for Internet governance principles: Matthew Shears, Carolina Rossini, Anriette Esterhuysen/Valeria Betancourt and Veridiana Alimonti. Volunteers are welcome, please, just ping any of the resource persons.

11:15-11:30am – Coffee Break

11:30 – 13:00 Roadmap: towards a coordinated, decentralized, inclusive and open multistakeholder model of Internet Governance

Facilitators: Matthew Shears (CDT, USA and UK, with international work)

Goal: clarify and set the common ground regarding a coordinated, decentralized, democratic, inclusive and open multistakeholder model of Internet Governance

  • Resource persons** for Roadmap: Anja Kovacs, Jeremy Malcolm, Joana Varon, Carolina Rossini. On IANA transition: Niels ten Oever, Rafik Dammak, Stephanie Perrin. Volunteers are welcome, please, just ping any of the resource persons.

13:00 – 14:00 – NetMundial: The rules of the game: how to maximize civil society impact in the interventions and the meetings to follow

Facilitator: Bia Barbosa (Intervozes, Brazil)

  • Brief Notes by Daniel Fink (Executive Director at NETmundial 2014) [TBC]
  • Goal: By this time, resource persons from the previous sessions shall deliver a set of bullet points as final agreements and names who have volunteered to deliver the bullet points in NetMundial plenary. These documents will serve as input for this session that have to goal to build the strategy about how to deliver these points, vis a vis NetMundial dynamic for interactions in the floor, so we end with a clear, consolidated and final matrix of interactions at NetMundial plenary (which shall be made public soon).

14:00 – 15:00 – Lunch (provided by the meeting organizers) – CCSP restaurant

15:00 – 16:00 – Media Strategy, Hubs for remote participation and Stakeholder relations

  • Goal: brief the media hub on our main points, and briefing for the following open sessions with the technical community and governments included suggested strategy to engage with them on conflictual issues.
  • Media strategy facilitators: Renata Avila (WebWeWant, Guatemala)
  • Technical community relations:  [TBC]
  • Government relations: Jovan Kurbalija (Diplo Foundation) [TBC] and Gene Kimmelman (Public Knowledge, USA)

16:00 – 17:00: Open session with technical community

        • Facilitator: [TBC]
        • Comments: Fadi Chehadé (ICANN) [TBC]
        • Goal: learn core issues for technical community and communicate core CS concerns/positions. Explore opportunities for collaboration.

17:00-17:15 – Coffee Break

17:30 – 19:00: Meeting(s) with invited governments (bilateral or mixed – TBC)

        • Facilitator(s): Marilia Maciel (CTS/FGV, Brazil)
        • Goal: Learn core issues for governments and communicate core CS concerns/positions. Explore opportunities for collaboration.

19hrs- Dinner on your own/ engage in activities at the Arena (ps. Lula and Brazilian civil society activits will be talking about MarcoCivil at ArenaMundial at 19:00)